
30DSR Day 13: Add Sparkle to your Next Studio Recital or Event

If you’re on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest – chances are you’ve seen tons of photos and stories of inventive, creative and wonderful music recitals. Does your own studio recital sometimes look a bit drab in comparison?

30 Day Studio Refresh Day 13 Better Recitals

Make your studio recital sparkle

I don’t think there’s any point letting the internet make us feel guilty. I’m quite sure your recitals and events are pretty darn fabulous already. šŸ˜‰

Today we’re just adding that extra sparkle that could take your event from…

“That was great, thank you.”

…to RAVE reviews from parents and students.

Now I know your next recital or event is probably not for a few months yet. But. If you leave these extra details until just before – they won’t happen. You’ll get caught up (understandably so!) in programs, attendance, guests, venues, and all that fun stuff.

If you have a recital sparkle already on your mind then hop to it! Otherwise check out the ideas below to get the creative juices flowing.

By the way, if you want to create awesome recital experience for your older students ā€“ you’re definitely going to want to read this post.

Vibrant Music Teaching members, you can access this resource inside the VMT library. Not a member yet? Find out more about becoming a member here.

Recital Sparkle Ideas

  • Use compliment slips to give students their due praise.
  • Research a different event venue to shake things up.
  • Craft some fun studio recital gifts for students.
  • Make an arrival playlist to welcome students.
  • Come up with a fun way to decorate your event. (This year my end of year recital will decorated with all the pieces students have learnt this year.)
  • Plan for a more collaborative concert – perhaps with all duets and trios, or by adding professionalĀ musicians into the mix.
  • Plan the perfect welcome speech.
  • Choose a creative studio recital theme.
  • Pick out a fun piece that YOU want to play at your next event.

Recital sparkle

Action Steps

  • Read the suggestions above and watch the Facebook group for ideas from other teachers.
  • Pick out a little sparkle to add to your next studio recital or event.
  • Get everything ready to implement that sparkle so when event time comes, it’s all already in place.

What creative touches have you added to a studio recital?

Let’s do a “recital sparkle exchange” over in theĀ Vibrant Music Studio Teachers groupĀ on Facebook. Leave a fun idea you’ve used in the past, and take an idea another teacherĀ has had success with.

30 day music studio refresh

(If you’re not already getting studio refresh updatesĀ sign up for the 30DSR emails by clicking here.)

Vibrant Music Teaching members, you can access this resource inside the VMT library. Not a member yet? Find out more about becoming a member here.

Did you miss any of the posts in the 30 Day Studio Refresh? Check them out by clicking here.

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