
Creative Piano Studio Celebrations: From Halloween to Hanukkah

If you’ve been racking your brains for fun ideas to celebrate the big holidays in your piano studio in 2020, or wondering how to host an online Christmas recital, this is the article for you. 🙂

online christmas piano party
online christmas piano party

Halloween, Christmas, Hanukkah and any other holidays you normally celebrate in your studio are looking a little different this year. You may not be able to have your traditional holiday get-together or go carolling with your students.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.

There’s a reason many of these holidays fall in the fall and winter. When the days are short, dark and dreary, we can all use a little pick-me-up.

2020 calls for that more than ever.

So I’ve put together a few alternative and online piano party ideas for you to celebrate the holiday season in your studio. These are not tried and tested (nothing is this year!) but I hope they will give you a jumping-off point and some inspiration to spark joy for your studio families. 😀

Ideas #1: Holiday Hop-In

If you’re already using Zoom or some other software which allows multiple participants, for lessons then this online Christmas piano recital/open house will be a cinch.

  • Announce your party time and send an invite to families to pop in at any stage
  • Prepare some simple party games like Gelato to break the ice as they pop into the video chat
  • Make sure every student is ready to play a party piece for anyone who’s on the call at the time

You could add extras to this or just keep it simple and casual! Conversations can be more stilted online than in-person, though, so definitely have those ice-breaker games and possibly a few of your own party pieces at the ready for this online version of a Christmas piano party.

Ideas #2: Family Festivities

If you don’t want to organise a studio event for a certain holiday, you can encourage families to organise their own online Christmas piano recital for students.

Piano Recital program templates
  • Ask each student to talk to their parents and set a date and time for their family recital
  • Make a program together at the lesson, and help them get ready to perform their set list of pieces
  • Create a studio hashtag for parents to use on social media or a Facebook group where they can share their photos and videos with other studio families

(The last part is optional, of course, but it would really help to build your studio community.)

Ideas #3: Christmas Collaborations

Another great option would be to get your students to collaborate on a creative project.

I described how we did a collaborative composition project in my studio in this Vibrant Music Teacher Chat and you could definitely do a similar project with arrangements of popular tunes or a winter/spooky theme to suit the occasion. Make sure to share a recording with everyone when you’re done so they can get that warm fuzzy glow!

Spark joy in piano families

How will you be celebrating the holidays in your studio this year?

Tell us your fun plans in the comments or in the Vibrant Music Studio Teachers Group on Facebook. We can all work together to keep the joy in our music teaching studios this season. 🙂

For recital ideas to use in more traditional circumstances, check out my Business hub page.

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