Whether you’re celebrating Easter in your piano teaching studio or just the arrival of spring, this rhythm reading game is a great way to do it.
Hippity Hop is a bunny-themed game to work on rhythm reading with music students while celebrating Easter or Spring. The full version (available to Vibrant Music Teaching members here) includes 4 different levels of rhythm cards so that you have some springy fun with all your students. 🙂
How to Play Hippity Hop
- Place a bunny for each player on the grass on the left side of the board and the correct level of cards to the side of the board. You can use multiple levels of cards if the players are at different stages of their music studies.
- Players take turns to turn over a card and try to clap/say the rhythm on it.
- If another player thinks the way they performed the rhythm is incorrect they should make “bunny ears” with their hands (putting them on their head).
- The teacher confirms whether the rhythm was incorrect or correct and:
- If they performed it correctly they move forward to the next part of the warren.
- If another player made bunny ears and was right (the rhythm was performed incorrectly) they move forward to the next part of the warren.
- If another player made bunny ears and was wrong (the rhythm was performed correctly) they move backwards to the previous part of the warren.
- The winner is the first to come out the other side of the warren.
Assembling Hippity Hop
To assemble this game:
- Print out the game board (pages 3-4). Cut along the dotted lines, laminate if desired and tape together.
- Print out the game cards (pages 5-20) double-sided or choose just the level(s) that you wish to use with your students. Cut apart and laminate if desired.
- Print out the bunny tokens (page 21) and cut around each bunny along the dotted lines. Laminate if desired.
Learning Objective for this Rhythm Reading Game
Students of all levels can learn and review rhythm patterns through this fun bunny-themed game. It’s great for working with students at different levels too, since the different levels of cards can be used side-by-side.
Download the Rhythm Reading Game
You can download a level 1 of this super fun Easter rhythm game totally free by entering your details below, then enjoy using it in your piano studio!
Vibrant Music Teaching members can download the full multi-level version of the game here. If you’re not a member yet you can find out more about the membership and how to sign up here.

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How do you practice rhythm reading in your studio?
Do you find games like this to be the best way to work on this skill? Do you have other favourite activities to share? Let us know in the comments. 🙂