
Tech Setups for Teaching Online Piano Lessons

Teaching piano lessons online doesn’t need to involve a ton of complicated equipment setups, and you don’t need to be a tech genius. Let me share with you some simple ways to position whatever device you have so that the student can see you, and you can see them.

The content in this article about tech setups for online piano lessons was originally released as a YouTube video on 12 March 2020. It was published as a blog post on 7 May 2020, and substantially updated on 13 January 2025.

Do you have a smart phone? If so, you can teach piano lessons online. Laptop or tablet? Even better!

The good news is, that regardless of which device you choose, it will almost certainly have a built-in camera and microphone…and that’s all you need to teach online.

Take it from us, though: You’ll get the best results if you use the largest screen available to you. If you use a laptop or tablet (as opposed to a smart phone), you’ll be able to see your students and their hands more easily and clearly.

But now that you’ve chosen your device, how in the world do you set it up so you can see your student clearly, and they can see you?

Main Camera

There are many ways you can set up your phone, tablet or laptop to get the best results possible when teaching online lessons. Each of these options is perfectly valid, so you do you.

  • Option 1: Phone and books. Just make a pile of books (preferably hardcover) and slightly stagger them so you can balance the phone.
  • Option 2: Tablet and books. In addition to that staggered stack of books, put a book in front of the tablet to make sure it stays in place without sliding off.
  • Option 3: Phone and tripod. This is a little bit fancier, but if you have a phone tripod on hand it can be really great for positioning and getting the right angle.
  • Option 4: Phone & “gooseneck” holder. Like the tripod option, this can be a great way to get the exact angle you want. Just clamp the gooseneck phone holder on a shelf or other fixed object, and bend it to your heart’s content.
  • Option 5: Tablet & a proper stand. If you have a special stand for your tablet, that can also be a great option. Raise it to the proper height so your student can see you, and you can see them.
  • Option 6: Laptop (with or without books). In this option, a stack of books can serve to raise the laptop to the correct height.

Important note: Do not put the device directly on the piano. The vibrations will distort the sound and make it difficult for both you and the student to hear each other clearly.

Want more info about using technology in piano lessons? Check out the Technology section of my “Planning Piano Lessons” page.

Extra Cameras

Most platforms used for teaching online lessons allow you to easily switch between different cameras, microphones and speakers/headphones. While extra equipment isn’t necessary, it can enhance your teaching. There are two extra cameras in particular that you might want to consider.

  • Extra Option 1: “Piano Cam”. If you want an overhead view of the keyboard, a mic stand or boom arm can both be great ways to achieve it. Just plug a webcam into your laptop as a second camera, then connect it to a microphone stand near the piano or a boom arm attached somewhere overhead.
“Piano Cam”
  • Extra Option 2: “Pedal Cam”. It can be difficult to teach piano pedalling without demonstrating the proper technique to your student. If you want a floor view while you’re teaching, simply balance another device (phone, tablet) against the legs of the piano and, if needed, use a paperweight to keep it in place.
“Pedal Cam”

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Just a quick note about lighting. You don’t need to have a professional lighting system for your online piano lesson setup. You just want to have some light behind your camera looking into your face, not behind you when you’re facing the camera.

If you don’t have a window behind the camera, then position a lamp behind it so that it’s shining towards you.

Which of these tech setups for online piano lessons is your favourite?

Is there another one that I’m missing? Are you setting up your online piano lessons differently? Let me know in the comments below or in the Vibrant Music Studio Teachers group on Facebook.

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