
Inspire Your Students With Bite-Sized Piano Composition Prompts

Composing is an amazing way to learn and internalize music theory concepts while flexing that creativity muscle, but we don’t always have the time in our lessons to devote to it. When we do try and fit it in, we’re faced with students who are terrified at the mere mention of writing their own music.

Inspire Your Students with Bite-Sized Piano Composition Prompts facebook 2

But composition doesn’t have to be intimidating or take up a lot of lesson time.

Starting with bite-sized activities can help your students gradually ease into the idea of writing their own melodies, and the piano composition prompts in these minibooks are a great way to give them direction without stifling their creativity.

Micro-Composition Minibooks

There are 3 levels of minibooks available to meet the needs of beginner, late beginner, and early intermediate students. While this composition activity can be completed at any time, it is especially useful to assign as homework over a studio break in order to keep students engaged and interacting with the piano.

Learning Objective

  • Theory Concepts Covered: Composition
  • Student Level: Beginner through early intermediate/grade 2
  • Activity type: Composition prompt
  • Number of students: 1 student
  • Seasonal: Not seasonal

How to Use

  • At a minimum, complete the first composition together during the lesson so that your student feels confident using the book at home.
  • Complete the remaining compositions during subsequent lessons, or assign as homework.
  • Optional extra: If a micro-composition is particularly inspired or otherwise noteworthy, use it as a motif or jumping off point for a larger composition project.

Download the Level 1 Minibook for Free!

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Vibrant Music Teaching members can download all 3 levels of micro-composition minibooks from the VMT library.

Psst…for more tips on getting your piano students to think creatively, check out my page devoted entirely to Teaching Creative Music Skills.


  • Print the book (pages 2–7). Note: There are 3 copies of the title page on one sheet of paper in case you want to save paper when assembling multiple copies of the mini-book.
  • Cut along the dotted lines.
  • Bind along the short edge with a comb or coil binder, or staple in the top left corner.
piano composition prompts

How do you inspire your students to think creatively?

Do you use music composition prompts to get your students’ creative juices flowing, or do you leave it to their imagination? Share your favourite ideas in the comments below or on the Vibrant Music Studio Teachers group on Facebook.

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