
Circle of Fifths Clock for Music Teaching Studios

I personally didn’t even know about the circle of fifths until years into learning piano, so it’s one of many teaching missions to make sure all of my students are aware of it, and understand why it’s beautiful!

Circle of fifths clock

So I keep this clock above my piano to remind my students of it, and remind myself to refer to it when we’re talking about scales, chords, etc.

Circle of fifths clock

You can download the graphic letters to build your own circle of fifths clock, or if you’re not into that idea try the graphic below version below!



Do you have a visual aid like this?

How do you talk about the circle of fifths with students? Or do you?

More Piano Teaching Fun

You can find tons of free games in the Off-the-bench Catalogue. They’re even organised by concept so you can find the perfect game for your student.

4 thoughts on “Circle of Fifths Clock for Music Teaching Studios”

  1. Hi there, recently found your blog as I’m preparing to teach again. I remember when I finally learned about the circle of fifths, too. It was much later than it probably should have been introduced, but I was amazed! Suddenly all the scales made so much sense. I’ve been a huge fan ever since.
    Love your blog! Thanks for sharing,


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