How is your piano studio business going? Forget the pedagogy, the improvisation, the theory and the fun you see yourself as a business owner?
It might sound contradictory, but I believe running an effective piano teaching business is one of the most important things you can do to improve the quality of your teaching. When you treat your piano teaching studio like the business that it is – with effective policies, organisation and procedures – your business runs like clockwork and you get to focus on being the best teacher you can be.
I know this isn't every teacher's favourite topic, that's why I put together this page. Think of it as your central hub for no-nonsense, practical and simple piano teaching business advice that you can put into action in your studio to get real results.
There are many different ways to run a music teaching business, but there are some absolute essentials that almost all professional piano teachers agree on. Get these business basics in place before you go any further.
Most piano teachers will cite word of mouth as their top marketing channel. But what if you're just starting out? Or when you need to grow more quickly? Find out what advertising methods really work.
Now into the nitty gritty of your piano teaching business. How will you take payments? What policies are best? What should you do in the summer? I'm here to answer all your business headaches, once and for all.
Piano teaching is, essentially, a client-based business. It's an interesting one, though, because the parents are our clients – but they're not the ones we see every week. Improve your parent communication with these tips and your business will run much more smoothly.
OK, great. You've got your finances in order, you're running a tight ship....but why is there still sheet music all over the floor? And how come you can never find the right game when you need it? Get yourself organised with these articles.
One of our big annual (or biannual, or monthly!) events in our piano teaching business is the studio recital. If you're feeling overwhelmed with the planning, or you need some fresh new ideas, I've got you covered.
As we often say, the greatest teachers are the lifelong learners. We should always be striving for better and looking for more – without going overboard. Find your personal and professional development balance with these posts.
Access the Studio Business Reboot course!
Become a member of Vibrant Music Teaching and get instant access to the game-changing Studio Business Reboot course as well as tons of other lesson plans, resources and games.
Embracing Your Identity as a Piano Studio Business Owner
Many piano teachers struggle with this idea of seeing themselves as "business owner". Since many of us get started with just a few students, often in our teenage years, it can be hard to take ourselves seriously.
But whether you teach just a couple of students or run a studio of 200 with multiple teachers, you are a business owner. Plain and simple.
Embracing that identity and taking the business of your studio seriously is one of the best things you can do for your teaching and, well, for your life. You shouldn't be wasting time chasing payments, dealing with disrespect or feeling so scattered that you can't keep your thoughts straight.
Setting up your policies and payment structures and organising your piano teaching business properly will give you the brain space you need to focus on your teaching, and to be present for the time you spend with your family and friends. I hope that this page will help you achieve that.
Level-up your business savvy
Become a member of Vibrant Music Teaching and get instant access to worksheets,
templates and resources to improve your business so you can enjoy teaching again.