
30DSR Day 20: Give the Gift of a Proud Parent Moment

The season of giving is not over. This week, we’re going to give the best present of all – a proud parent moment. What parent doesn’t love an opportunity to glow with pride?

30DSR Day 20 Create a proud parent moment

Celebrate one music student and make their parent proud

Parents are always proud of their kids, but in music lessons there isn’t always opportunities to show that pride. Recitals 1-4 times a year can’t compete with soccer games that happen every Saturday on this front.

That doesn’t mean parents can’t regularly gloat, boast and bask in the glory of their child’s musical progress. We just might have to give them a little help to find those opportunities.


Just 5 Minutes

I’m so proud of all of you teachers for coming this far! Today’s challenge will be super quick, promise.

Just take 5 minutes out of your day to provide a little proud parent moment to one of the parents in your studio. This could be in the form of a genuine, heartfelt compliment about their child as they head out the door. (Remember compliments should be true, enthusiastic and specific.)

If a parent doesn’t attend lessons you could make a quick recording (audio or video) during the lesson to send to them. I love to do this with beginning students playing duets with me. It makes such a difference for parents to get to hear the whole thing put together – not just the single line melody the student is practicing at home.

Another option is to provide your student with a certificate for some small win. It could be as simple as “I played my first hands together piece today.” or even “I concentrated fully for the whole lesson.” Your music studio parents will be excited to hang something musical on the fridge.

Action Steps

  • Choose one of your studio parents that you think needs a proud moment.
  • Pick the pride opportunity that best fits that student and your teaching style.
  • Take 5 minutes to make that parent’s day. 🙂

What proud parent moment do you love?

Share what you’ve done in the past, and what you plan to do for a parent today in Vibrant Music Studio Teachers group on Facebook or in the comments below.

Vibrant Music Teaching members, you can access this resource inside the VMT library. Not a member yet? Find out more about becoming a member here.

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